Update Your Home Security With A Smart Alarm System For Summer
Spring is almost over! The sun is still out in the evening and there’s blossom on the trees. And according to Southend Borough Council, 80% of kids have secured their first-choice Secondary school. Phew! That’s a lot of relieved parents.
While that is something to celebrate, there are wider implications…. things that most busy mums haven’t thought about. How does this new phase in family life affect your home security?
Out with the old, in with the new
Secondary school means different things to mums and kids. Parents are thinking about school uniforms, shoes and sports stuff. Kids will soon be more concerned with their new mates than almost anything else (other than X Box and Instagram, of course).
There’s probably not a thought spared for home security. Why would you be worried about how secure your family home is? All the effort needs to go in the direction of the new school. Surely…
Well, you do need to think about the safety of your home when you have teenagers coming and going at different times.
“Will Billy be home at 4 straight from school or will he be after school club or sports team for an extra hour or so?”
“Perhaps he’ll hang out with mates and be back for dinner at 6?”
How does that fit in with your routine as a mum? And what about dad?
You need to know the kids are home safe and secure. Otherwise the last hour or two at work can be fraught with worry. You asked the kids to text you when they get home but a teenager has always got better people to text than their parents…
Simplify and secure your family home with modern tech! A secure family home needs to be adaptable to the way you and your kids live. Here’s what you need:
Take control of your home security with your smartphone
Did you know that modern technology allows you to set your alarm from your phone? AND, importantly, it will tell you who has unset it and when. So, you will know when the kids are home instead of getting up to mischief. You’ll receive an instant mobile notification that keeps you in the loop, so the kids don’t have to!
For even more peace of mind, you can secure your family home with modern CCTV. The days of fuzzy images that no amount of squinting will help are gone…
HD CCTV lets you see what’s going on at home while you’re out. Is the Xbox getting more attention than the homework? And if, God forbid, the kids are doing the wrong thing, you can tell them through the home alarm system! How’s that for a secure family home?
Zonal Alarm systems save the day
But wait there’s more!
You can even set your smart alarm in zones. Let’s say your teens are well behaved, keen students and hard at their homework upstairs. Great – you can set the downstairs to be armed so they are protected while home alone!
Anyone attempting to gain access through a window or door will trip the alarm. When you’re home, simply unset the system on the driveway from your smartphone! Securing your home and family has never been so easy!
Eastern – your trusted, local installers
Summer holidays are approaching – kids will be in and out at all times of the day for parties and beach days. Of course, mum and dad aren’t invited!
Whether you have an existing system that you would like upgraded to a smart alarm or you require a brand new installation, Eastern can provide.
We offer free, no obligation surveys at a time and date convenient for you. Why? because we don’t offer ‘one size fits’ all systems that come in a box. We supply each home with a system as unique as the family inside it.
Our friendly, polite security expert will take you through the options to get the best home security for your family and budget.
And we offer maintenance for all the home security systems we fit. We promise to fit the technology to secure your family home AND keep it that way. And we won’t leave a mess!
To enquire, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you back shortly!